What is Bask?

In Case you didn’t know… 

Bask was created by a native New Yorker ( me, Doogz). I made a name for myself, through my passion for organizing people within my community.Bask provided a constant platform to celebrate people of color in NYC and their creativity.


The idea behind choosing the word Bask comes from the actual word that exists in our vocabulary. Prior, Bask was not a commonly used word amongst my circle, but we wanted it by definition. When using the word correctly it always stems from or follows a great feeling or accomplishment. It can be the journey or the end result. 


I realized that most people who looked like us whether you were raised in an inner city, hood, or deemed low income never used the word “BasK” or had limited words to describe such a feeling that would call for it. The majority of us were taught to survive, and to get it how you can. I wanted to build a brand that focused on living pass survival. 

BASK wanted to normalize people of color possessing a mindset geared towards success. Living their lives with the intent to thrive and propel their futures into an abundance of happiness. 

“ We deserve to bask in our creativity, beauty, and style unapologetically.”

Surviving to me feels too close to failing or drowning. I grew up in a household that survived paycheck to paycheck, it felt like one misstep and we were outta here. 

Bask is exactly what we should be aiming for, the top of the top, the best of the best. That is what we all deserve and that is interchangeable from person to person. We can all bask in our own unique way. 

Black people in America deserve it. I’m a big history buff, and I’ve learned how black people have been the main contributors to what culture is today. They did it because they owned who they were with pride and dared to be successful in a world that thought otherwise. We always wanted to bask, and we strive and overcome a lot to do so. 

Our mission became to fill the void within our community with this profound word that has power and purpose. Bask is a lifestyle and a mindset. It  is associated with only positive outcomes and as a verb, requires action. While this word does not originate from us, we have commandeered it for the purpose of creating work, experiences, and ideas that inspire everyone around us to Bask.

New York City nightlife gave us the platform to introduce Bask to our community. Through our professional background we've now evolved into a creative agency that specializes in digital marketing, design, branding, event curation, and much more. We look forward to growing and engaging with the community we’ve watered and in turn has watered us. 


A Conversation on Black Mentorship and Networking


Redefining Influence